Monday, August 17, 2009

Havea's guess who

Once upon a time there was a man who wore a green suit. He lived in a forest and sometimes he attacked people at night. He wore a funny hat and had a black mask. He has powers. Powers that can be recognised. They are not super powers, but he is very good with bows and arrows.


  1. Hey Havea

    This is really challenging. Is it Robin hood?I wonder who it is. Any way I will keep trying to guess

    Keep up the good work

  2. Hey Havea

    Is it Robin Hood because he sometimes attacks people at night and has powers that people can recognize easily and he is an expert with bows.

    Keep up the good work and never give up and keep up the hard work


  3. Hi Havea
    I liked your guess who story.
    Is the super hero
    Robin hood our is it green arrow?
    Keep up the good work.

    From aidan

  4. Wow Havea great story i this story is very hard but i am going to say that you are
    Robin Hood

  5. Hey havea I really liked the way you told me your story in your own words i am guessing that you are Robin Hood


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