Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So Long Pt England

Hi everyone, well as you will no doubt be aware by now, I am leaving Point England School. I have had an amazing six years here and will always remember the many things that we have done together and the people who were part of them. The term is over and most of you will have begun your holidays doing something exciting. Yesterday after everyone had gone home (kids that is) Mr Burt and Mrs Nua gave me some more presents in the Staff room. They gave me this really cool Pounamu,it looks really big because it is. It's in the shape of an adze, some of you might like to look up what an adze is. Mr Burt said that it is for me to keep chipping away at things and I think he is right.
As you can see I'm still wearing my jersey that Feki gave me on behalf of everyone, I really like it, it is very comfortable and to my knowledge is the only rugby jersey anywhere that has the Point England logo on it. I will wear it with pride. Anyway this is my farewell to everyone who has read our blog and will continue to read it, because you will wont you? I am teaching at Hay Park School in 2010. Check out my new class blog here.
Remember to check back in next year (Term one begins on Feb 2nd 2010) on the Pt England website as there will be heaps of entertaining stuff for you to look at and comment on. Ka Kite Ano.
Mr Palmer.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Thanksgiving means to have a good time with your friends and family. It's about having food with the whole community. I'm thankful that god made the food. I am thankful for my family and all the stuff they did thanksgiving is a celebration with a big feed.

Thanks giving

I think that thanks giving is someone thanking someone or sharing the love by having a celebration and community gathering. I thank my Mum and Dad and Papa and my Nana for taking care of me.


I think thanksgiving is when someone gives something to another person to thank them for something they have done. I also think thanksgiving is when you come together as one to celebrate.


I think thanksgiving is when your family is having a feast about thanking someone for something. After they talk about what they have done to thank people, they eat something, then they pack up everything. Everyone should be thankful for what they get.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cecilia's Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving means that you should thank other peoplefor giving you stuff to have. Another thing thanksgiving means is awhole family having a party or a vacation. Praying for other people to get better if theyer feeling sick. it's like celebrating peoples birthday and new year.


Thanksgiving is all about how you say thank you to someone and give them a present and a hag. I am thankful for the stuff that people give me and how they share the love to me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I think thanksgiving is about people gathering. When people celebrate this festival people bring their own food. I also think people celebrate thanksgiving for their family. I am thankful for my best friend Samson and my family.


Thanksgiving is about giving things to people. We gather things for celebration and being thankful to other people. I am thankful for eating food and making food for thanksgiving every November and learning about things that I do not know about.

Thanks Giving

Thanks Giving is when people have pumpkin stands and other people buy it. Thanks Giving is about people coming together and eating, Thanks Giving is about having some celebrations. I am thankful that I have food because some kids do not have some food.

Thanks Giving

Thanks giving means when you thank someone for doing something for you, or have a community gathering. Thanks giving is about having a celebration about those who have helped you. When you celebrate thanks giving, its about what you're thankful for and sharing the love. I am very thankful to my Mum, Dad, sisters and brother for bringing me up to be brave and strong like they are.


Thanksgiving is when people gather around other places to become one family and friends. I'm thankful for my life and my friends and my family.


I think thanksgiving is when you gather around some people and celebrate what you are thankful for. You can say thank you to people that have helped and you have a feast. I am grateful that god gave me my family and friends.

Thanks Giving

I think thanks giving is about thanking people who give you things. Say thank you to god for making you. You should gather one another to eat and say thank you. You should say thank you to your family for taking care of you. I think thanks giving is all about saying thanks to the people who love you.

Thanks Giving

Thanks Giving is about people gathering and bringing your whanau to a place where you can have a celebration, like sometimes at a marae. I am thankful for having a family like mine.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Origins of Thanksgiving in the USA

This story is taken from another website and is titled, The First Thanksgiving by Nora Taylor.

Nearly four hundred years ago, a great many of the people in England were very unhappy because their king would not let them pray to God as they liked. The king said they must use the same prayers that he did; and if they would not do this, they were often thrown into prison, or perhaps driven away from home.

"Let us go away from this country," said the unhappy Englishmen to each other; and so they left their homes, and went far off to a country called Holland. It was about this time that they began to call themselves "Pilgrims." Pilgrims, you know, are people who are always traveling to find something they love, or to find a land where they can be happier; and these English men and women were journeying, they said, "from place to place, toward heaven, their dearest country."

In Holland, the Pilgrims were quiet and happy for a while, but they were very poor; and when the children began to grow up, they were not like English children, but talked Dutch, like the little ones of Holland, and some grew naughty and did not want to go to church any more.

"This will never do," said the Pilgrim fathers and mothers; so after much talking and thinking and writing they made up their minds to come here to America. They hired two vessels, called the Mayflower and the Speedwell, to take them across the sea; but the Speedwell was not a strong ship, and the captain had to take her home again before she had gone very far.

The Mayflower went back, too. Part of the Speedwell's passengers were given to her, and then she started alone across the great ocean.

There were one hundred people on board - mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters and little children. They were very crowded; it was cold and uncomfortable; the sea was rough, and pitched the Mayflower about, and they were two months sailing over the water.

The children cried many times on the journey, and wished they had never come on the tiresome ship that rocked them so hard, and would not let them keep still a minute.

But they had one pretty plaything to amuse them, for in the middle of the great ocean a Pilgrim baby was born, and they called him "Oceanus," for his birthplace. When the children grew so tired that they were cross and fretful, Oceanus' mother let them come and play with him, and that always brought smiles and happy faces back again.

At last the Mayflower came in sight of land; but if the children had been thinking of grass and flowers and birds, they must have been very much disappointed, for the month was cold November, and there was nothing to be seen but rocks and sand and hard bare ground.

Some of the Pilgrim fathers, with brave Captain Myles Standish at their head, went on shore to see if they could find any houses or white people. But they only saw some wild Indians, who ran away from them, and found some Indian huts and some corn buried in holes in the ground. They went to and fro from the ship three times, till by and by they found a pretty place to live, where there were "fields and little running brooks."

Then at last all the tired Pilgrims landed from the ship on a spot now called Plymouth Rock, and the first house was begun on Christmas Day. But when I tell you how sick they were and how much they suffered that first winter, you will be very sad and sorry for them. The weather was cold, the snow fell fast and thick, the wind was icy, and the Pilgrim fathers had no one to help them cut down the trees and build their church and their houses.

The Pilgrim mothers helped all they could; but they were tired with the long journey, and cold, and hungry too, for no one had the right kind of food to eat, nor even enough of it.

So first one was taken sick, and then another, till half of them were in bed at the same time, Brave Myles Standish and the other soldiers nursed them as well as they knew how; but before spring came half of the people died and had gone at last to "heaven, their dearest country."

But by and by the sun shone more brightly, the snow melted, the leaves began to grow, and sweet spring had come again.

Some friendly Indians had visited the Pilgrims during the winter, and Captain Myles Standish, with several of his men, had returned the visit.

One of the kind Indians was called Squanto, and he came to stay with the Pilgrims, and showed them how to plant their corn, and their pease and wheat and barley.

When the summer came and the days were long and bright, the Pilgrim children were very happy, and they thought Plymouth a lovely place indeed. All kinds of beautiful wild flowers grew at their doors, there were hundreds of birds and butterflies, and the great pine woods were always cool and shady when the sun was too bright.

When it was autumn the fathers gathered the barley and wheat and corn that they had planted, and found that it had grown so well that they would have quite enough for the long winter that was coming.

"Let us thank God for it all," they said. "It is He who has made the sun shine and the rain fall and the corn grow." So they thanked God in their homes and in their little church; the fathers and the mothers and the children thanked Him.

"Then," said the Pilgrim mothers, "let us have a great Thanksgiving party, and invite the friendly Indians, and all rejoice together."

So they had the first Thanksgiving party, and a grand one it was! Four men went out shooting one whole day, and brought back so many wild ducks and geese and great wild turkeys that there was enough for almost a week. There was deer meat also, of course, for there were plenty of fine deer in the forest. Then the Pilgrim mothers made the corn and wheat into bread and cakes, and they had fish and clams from the sea besides.

The friendly Indians all came with their chief Massasoit. Every one came that was invited, and more, I dare say, for there were ninety of them altogether.

They brought five deer with them, that they gave to the Pilgrims; and they must have liked the party very much, for they stayed three days.

Kind as the Indians were, you would have been very much frightened if you had seen them; and the baby Oceanus, who was a year old then, began to cry at first whenever they came near him.

They were dressed in deerskins, and some of them had the furry coat of a wild cat hanging on their arms. Their long black hair fell loose on their shoulders, and was trimmed with feathers or fox-tails. They had their faces painted in all kinds of strange ways, some with black stripes as broad as your finger all up and down them. But whatever they wore, it was their very best, and they had put it on for the Thanksgiving party.

Each meal, before they ate anything, the Pilgrims and the Indians thanked God together for all his goodness. The Indians sang and danced in the evenings, and every day they ran races and played all kinds of games with the children.

Then sometimes the Pilgrims with their guns, and the Indians with their bows and arrows, would see who could shoot farthest and best. So they were glad and merry and thankful for three whole days.

The Pilgrim mothers and fathers had been sick and sad many times since they landed from the Mayflower; they had worked very hard, often had not had enough to eat, and were mournful indeed when their friends died and left them. But now they tried to forget all this, and think only of how good God had been to them; and so they all were happy together at the first Thanksgiving party.

All this happened nearly four hundred years ago, and ever since that time Thanksgiving has been kept in our country.

Every year our fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers have "rejoiced together" like the Pilgrims, and have had something to be thankful for each time.

Every year some father has told the story of the brave Pilgrims to his little sons and daughters, and has taught them to be very glad and proud that the Mayflower came sailing to the United States of America so many years ago.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

imersion assembly

On Monday the 12 of October 2009 we came to school. We went to the school hall. All the teachers were dressed up, each teacher had to go up and explain what they were. Mr Burt handed out sausages and chicken wings. There were not enough so we had to sit up for it. I sat and I got one sausage. When finished my sausage Miss Barks came to me and took my rubbish. Then Mr J said to Mr Burt "should we put on the theme song". Mr Burt said "yes". Mr J put on the theme song, It was food glorious food. After the song was finished we had to line up and go back to class.


On the 23rd of October we made something like a kebab called Souvlaki. We started off with the marinade. In the marinade was lemon juice, garlic,oregano,black pepper,olive oil and grape juice. Then we mixed it. Mr Palmer sent me to get 4 sealed bags from Ms Tito to put the marinade and ingredients into. Before we put the marinade and before we touch the ingredients we went to the toilets to wash our hands. When we came back inside Mr Palmer gave us the pork,onions and capsicum to put in the bag. We tried to smash it down with our hands. We put the marinade in and shook it. Mr Palmer collected our bags and wrote our group names on the bag. Mr Palmer put all our bags in a container and put it in the freezer so the meat and vegetables can get soaked with the marinade w The next day we put the meat and vegetables on some skewers. After lunch we cooked the Souvlaki on a BBQ. When we finished cooking it we all got one each and all the teachers got a Souvlaki each but not Mrs Lal because she is a vegetarian.

Brooke's Auntys wedding

On Saturday my aunt was getting married to a man named Ricky. Ricky got married to my aunt June.when we were going to my aunties marae we got there at ten at night. We left at 3.00 clock that afternoon. when we were driving we went past the three sisters.we drove along desert road. Desert road is snowy when it is winter. My sister Cruz,my cousin Emily and my cousin tori were the flower girls. My Dad was a grooms cousin czar was walking down the aisle. My Brother Tame was the page boy and so was my cousin Holden. My uncle Paul's son Jamain was the ring boy. My brother was wearing a suit called khan. My aunt June's dress was very beautiful. Ricky looked handsome my Dad looked stunning. After the wedding the people that came to see my aunt June get married had to come and kiss my aunt and step-uncle Ricky. When we were finished kissing my aunt June and step-uncle Ricky we went to take some photos with a lady. We went to a house with beautiful Gardens. We took some photos by a water fountain I took a photo with my Dad. My aunt took a photo with her seven kids. My aunt Raylene took a photo with my cousin bre'e. My aunt kissed bre'e and bre'e had a kiss mark on her face when she took a photo with my aunt.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Totara Springs.

In the holidays, the first day,on Monday. The Riverside club went to Totara Springs. We stayed at There for one week and we spilt up into groups. The year 5 boys and some off the year 7 and some off the year 6 got to sleep in the gym. The boys names of our groups were boys 6 were year 5 and the boys5 were year 6 and 7. The first thing for boys 6 were to do duties like wipe the windows and clean the toilets. The coolest thing for the boys 6 was the hydro slide. I got scared the first time I got on it. The second time I went on it it was awesome. There a frog inside the pool ended. At Totara Springs we had our place to eat all together at the same place and same time.
The worst thing to do was we had to wear shoes inside. We got to watch a movie on the third day. We got to watch Valiant, the seniors got to watch Santa Clause 3. When the seniors were watching their movie, the juniors got to play a very very big rob the nest. On the second to last day we played Get Your Own Back 2. We got to torture our leader by putting their hand in the toilet, we even got to put them in this huge box of ice. They had to sit on it. When they beeped the hooter the leaders got to catch the kids. We all got to be tortured except for me because I had been hiding for a long time, when the game was finished. All off the kids and leaders were in this huge hose. There was a very massive puddle. Guess what happened next? I ran and slid through the biggest puddle. Me and some other kids ran and slid again. After that we got changed and got dry.That was the best camp I've ever been to. After we ate our lunch on the last day we got to got to the theatre where we got to watch a little movie. On the last night we had a party. On the bus on the way home, I got car sick and almost spewed up on the bus. When the Riverside Club got home I got my pocket money back.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Immersion Assembly

On Monday, the first day of term 4, Pt England school had an Immersion Assembly at 9.00 o'clock. Before we walked into the hall we smelt a Barbecue. When we walked in to the hall we sat down in front of Room15 and Athena got a Chicken wing straight away because she sat up. Then I knew exactly what was going on, we were having a celebration for our topic food glorious food, because Mr Burt was cooking sausages with the BBQ boys which were Sam and Cruz. I thought the funniest teacher was Mr Palmer.

Immersion Assembly

On Monday the 12th of October 2009 we had an immersion assembly. We had a immersion assembly because it was the first day of term 4. Our topic was about food glorious food. When we walked in we saw Mr Burt cooking with his BBQ boys. It smelt 'yummy.' The stickers were sausages. If you were extra good you would get a chicken wing. Team 1 was dressed up as the rock cafe. Team 2 was dressed up as Chinese and Japanese ladies, miss She was dressed up as a Chinese lady and Miss Glaze was dressed up as a Japanese chef. Team 3 were dressed up as Mexicans. Miss Garden was giving out corn chips and guacamole to good people. When it was there turn to go up on to the stage, miss Walters brought a pinata and two sticks. miss Walters and miss Mackinlay were hitting the pinata. They both had blind folds on. Once they put the blind folds on they started hitting the pinata. While there were hitting the pinata miss Garden was talking about what happens in Mexico when it is somebodies birthday. Miss Garden said while the parents are inside eating nachos and guacamole the children are out playing with the pinata. Team 4 was dressed up as different kinds of people. Miss King was dressed up as a Muslim lady. She had a long black scarf around her neck and head. Miss Squires was dressed up as a Japanese lady. She was holding a cup of tea and a umbrella. Mr Palmer was dressed up as aMaitre D. He whacks the people who work for him that doesn't do it properly. He whacks them with a tray. Miss Nua was Nua Claus. She was throwing out lollies to Pt England kids. Miss Tito was a Indian lady who was celebrating Diwali. Mr Jacobson was dressed up as a wine waiter. He asked one of the juniors if they wanted to be served, he said no. At the end of assembly they put on the songs to lead our classes out.


In the holidays i was playing by myself outside my house,then my cousin and my uncle came over. Their names were Sean and his dad Andrew. I went inside to say to my mum that Sean and Andrew were here. My mum went to talk to them. Sean went inside to see uncle Pati and said can you download some music on to my mp4 player and he did. Then my cousins came over, their name are Chris, Jerome and Danny. Their mum dropped them off, her name is Api. Sean and Andrew left and my cousins put their bags in the room and we had dinner. We all went to sleep at 9:15 and we got up in the morning at 8:30 and got ready to go to GI. My cousins went to the internet cafe, $1 for half an hour $2 for an hour. I went for an hour my cousins went for half an hour. Then we went home and put everything away. We went to GI everyday, my cousins went home. On the first day of school, I stayed and slept over at my cousins house, then I went home and went to sleep for school.

Immersion Assembly

Today all the teachers and all the kids went to Assembly. Everyone went at 9.00 in the morning on the 12'Th of October. We went to assembly because it was the first day of term 4. Pt England went to the school hall and sat down to wait for Mr.Burt. When I got outside the hall, I could smell sausages and chicken but when I got inside Sam and Cruz were cooking a B.B.Q, yummy. There wasn't enough for every one so who ever sits up gets one. I didn't get one because I wasn't sitting up . Each team had a show. The team 1 teachers were the rock cafe. The team 2 teachers were Japanese, team 3 teachers were Mexicans and Mrs Nua was Santa Claus, Ms Tito was an Indian lady celebrating Diwali, Ms Squires was a Japanese lady, Miss King was a Muslim and Mr Palmer was the Maitre' d. After all the teachers finished, we had a song from Mr Jacobsen and we walked out of assembly.

Immersion Assembly

On the first day of term 4 .9.00 o'clock. We had assembly in the school hall. All the teachers were there and the Pt England kids. We had assembly to welcome everyone back to school and start with term 4. Who ever was sitting up they would get a sausage but if you were the bomb you would get a piece of chicken or corn chips. There were teachers dressed up and they were
After our Assembly we went back to our class to write about it.

Immersion Assmbly

On Monday the 12th of October 2009 on the first day of school we were leaning about food glorious food. All the classes had to go to the hall at 9.00. When we got to the hall the BBQ boys were cooking sausages and chicken. Miss Garden was giving out corn chips and guacamole. If you are thinking what is guacamole it is a Mexican dip. Team one was the waiters for the rock cafe. Team two were two different things. Mrs Glaze was a chef and Mrs She was a Chinese lady. Team three were Mexican and they were really funny. Team 4 were different things. Miss Squires was a Japanese lady, Mr Palmer was a Maitr'e D, Mrs T was Indian, Mrs Nua was Nua Claus and Miss King was a Muslim lady. Mr Burt said that there is going to be an Intermediate and he said only the people that came to Pt England can come to the Intermediate.

Immersion Assembly

On Monday the 12Th October we started our first day of term 4. Our class lined up in to 2 lines and we walked to the school hall for the assembly. In the hall the teacher's were dressed up in costumes and some people were giving out treats. Some of the teacher's were giving out food too. The food was chicken, sausages, corn chips, Chinese noodles and guacamole(dip). Sam and Cruz were cooking the food on a barbecue and they were called the barbecue boys. Some teachers had party poppers and party blowers . Team 1 was the rock cafe,Team 2 was a chef and a Chinese lady. Team 3 was the Mexicans and last, Team 4 was a Maitre D, Muslim , Diwali , Nua Claus and a Japanese lady. The Mexicans were trying to open a pinata. Some lollies came out of the pinata. The rock cafe was giving out some food. Then Mr Burt said that there was going to be an intermediate at this school but only the people that go to Pt. England school are allowed to go to the intermediate. Then Mr Burt told us to say food glorious food for our theme. Then he said to the teachers pick people to eat some more food. When they were picked Mr Jacobsen put on music and all the classes went out apart from the year 6's.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selina's class photo

On Wednesday 9th of September 2009 my class went to go and get their class photo, but first the teachers got their photo. Our class had to take their jumpers off and they had to take their t-shirts under their uniforms off too. We had to line up from littlest to biggest and then we walked to the hall. Before we got to the hall doors we saw Mrs Flavelle at the door. When we walked in the hall Rm 14 were there as well.

Aneisha class photo

On Wednesday 9th September 2009 rm16 and all the other classes went to take their photo.We took our photo when the second bell went in the morning. When we went in to take our picture Rm14 were in there taking their photo. When we went to take our photo people had to sit down, people had to stand up. I was sitting down on the chair. We had to smile so we can
see our face.

Tyla Class photo

On Wednesday Room 16 had their Class photo. We went out side to line up to go to the hall and we walked in the door. We went to the photographer to take our photo he put all the people that had track pants on in the front. Then he got the other people ready and then he ran to the camera,he said say cheese. He took the photo and said one more photo so we sat there when we had finished we lined up,then we walked out the door.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hainite Class photos

On Wednesday 9th of September 2009 Room 16 had their class photo, as well as the whole school. When we sat on the chairs and we were ready the cameraman told us to smile, I felt happy. When we finished Room 17 was next to take their photo.

Jeyan's class photo

Today before reading we had class photos in the hall. We had class photos so we can show our parents. Miss King was there when we got in the hall. When we were going back to the class Room seventeen came into the hall to take their class photos. When we got out of the hall we ran under the goal post and ran back to the class.

Kevin's Class photos

In the morning at school when the bell rang we lined up. Mr Palmer came to us to see if we were ready and Mrs Flavelle came to say that we are ready for you in the hall. We took off our jumper and put it in the class room. We went to the hall to get our photo, we saw room14. We were lined up, smallest to biggest. We got our photo done and when we left, we saw room17 come past and we went to class.

Cecilia's class photo

On Wednesday before reading room 16 went to the hall to do the class photo when we got in the hall room 14 just finished their class photo. Then it was our turn to do our class photo all the people that were wearing track pants were at the front and the people that were wearing shorts were at the back. Then after that the man that was taking the photo that man was telling us jokes. Then after that we took our photo three times and the third one the man said it was great then room 17 came and then we left the hall.

Brooke's class photos

On Wednesday Mrs Flavelle told us to go to the hall to take our class photos.We had to line up shortest to tallest. Then we went to the hall to take our photos. We went in the hall, Room 14 was just leaving, Miss King's baby was crying for Miss King. Miss King went around the other side to find her. When we took our photos the girls that had pants on were in the front, but I was wearing shorts. The man that was taking the photos told us some jokes. Then he said we have to smile or else we will look like our grandad/grandmother if we don't.

Athena's class photo

After the second bell went the teachers went to the hall to have the staff photo. Everyone had to wait for their teacher to come back. When our teacher came back from the hall we all lined up for class. But then Mrs Flavelle came and told us to go in the hall for our class photo. Mrs Flavelle took Nikora to get some school shorts because he wasn't wearing proper shorts. Then we all went inside the hall , and we waited for Nikora to come back we walked in the hall Miss king's class just went out. Then the photographer put us in places. All the girls that were wearing track-pants had to b in the front. The tall were in the second row. Most of the girls wee in the third row, but David was in it too. The short boys were at the back. Then the photographer took the photo and when we left room 17 came in.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Awhina Class photos

On Wednesday 9/9/9 we had our school photos. Well it all begins when Mr Palmer finished his photo. He told our class to line up and then he saw Nikora without the right uniform on. So he told someone to go and run to the office and say that Nikora needs a pair of school shorts to wear in the photo. Miss Flavelle came and said why don't you take your photo now since Nikora's got the right uniform on. Then Mr Palmer said yes, so we lined up by the fountain. We walked to the hall. When we walked in we saw Miss King, room 14 and Marika, Miss King's daughter. The photographer said lots of jokes about smiling. The man said all the girls that have trackpants on sit on the chairs, I was one of them. The rest of the girls had to stand on the second bunk. The boys had to stand in between the girls heads so that they would be in the picture. The photographer told the girls to put their knees feet together and to put their hands on top of each other. When we finished we saw room 17 walk in for their photos.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Class Photo

Today we had School photos when the second bell rang, but first we lined up. Then we went and waited for Room 14 to finish. When they finished we went in to the hall and we saw Miss King's daughter. We got in to the hall and the photographer took our picture.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Unaloto's guess who.

This super hero wears a red mask. He is fast like a bullet, his power is very strong like metal and his face is unknown. He has defeated many villains before. He is one of the fastest heroes in the universe. Some people make a sign in the sky to call him when there is something wrong and he is always here to protect us.

Ray's guess who

He is superfast and wears red and yellow, including his mask. He is fast like a bullet and when he runs around in a circle he makes a tornado. He is one of the fastest heroes in the universe. He has been attacked before. Rescues people in danger. He knows many heroes.

Joe's guess who

He is a man with super strength. He can fly, he has very good eyes and his hair is black. He is bulky and he can run very fast he can also make a tornado. He was born on different planet. He is bullet proof, he can blow ice out of his mouth.
Who is he?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aneisha, guess who

Once upon a time there lived a little girl that had to work. She had to work for a mean woman. One day the little went for a walk in the forest. The woman that she works for send a huntsman to go with her and kill her. He had to bring her heart to prove that she is dead. He didn't kill her, he let her go and then he killed an animal. She was scared when the man pulled out his knife. After he pulled out his knife he said to her to go far far away and don't come back.

Awhina's Cross Country

On Thursday the 20th of August 2009 was the cross country race. The colours will be Green/Red/blue/yellow. There names are Mataatua/Te Arawa/Tainui/Takitimu. While everybody was running I had to sit down or lead the way. I'm not alound to run because of my legs. If I run I might faint like I did last year or my feet might not get fixed. I hope Te Arawa wins because I am in that group. I am so sad I can't run. I normaly run the cross country race but this time I am having a operation. I don't know when I having it but I know I am having it this term. I just hope everybody gives it there best. We have two more days to practise. They are Monday and Tuesday. We've been doing cross country training for four weeks. I hope it will be a sunny day so that we could do cross country.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tyla's Holiday Gem

In the holiday I went to Whangaparaoa. I went to help my aunty pack the stuff in the car. We went to Waiwera, there were lots and lots of hydro slides. I just did not know which one to go on. Then my aunty took me and my little niece on the twister.

Vanila's holiday gem

In the holiday's my whole family went down to Hamilton to visit my uncle, aunty and my two cousin's. We first packed our clothes because we are going to stay there for two week. After we
packed our clothes, we put it in the car. We went back in the house to get changed. when we finished getting changed, we hopped into the car and off we went down to Hamilton.

Kevin's guess who

There was a man, his skin would turn green and his hands and feet would grow huge like King Kong. He could jump high and far away. He can't die, he's a superhero. His hair is straight and black, he wears black ripped jeans. He is really strong. He saves other people that are going to die from laser beams or shot by a villain that is holding a machine gun. He is invincible.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pesi's guess who?

Once upon a time there was a girl, she had long hair. She wore pretty dresses and jewels, her attitude is sweet and kind. She has big sisters, she does not like them. She lives with an ugly man, she became rich with the ugly man. They also read stories together. He always asks her to marry him. She likes to visit her family. She likes to write stories.

Cecilia's crosscountry preview

For two or three weeks year 5s and year 6s have been practicing for our school crosscountry. Last week on Thursday I came third, Selina came second and Pesi came first. This Thursday on the 20th of August is our school crosscountry. I am really looking foward to crosscountry this week. I think I will come fifth.

Hainite guess who?

Once upoon a time there was a girl that lived with her mother and sisters . She was always having to scrub the floor and cook. One day a man gave an envelope that invited them to a ball because the Prince was looking for a Princess to marry. So the mother and the sisters said yes, they were so excited . The poor girl had to clean the house then she has to dress up so they can leave together, but she wasn't ready so they yelled. When she came down she looked lovely, but the sisters were so jealous they ripped her dress, it was ruined.

Havea's guess who

Once upon a time there was a man who wore a green suit. He lived in a forest and sometimes he attacked people at night. He wore a funny hat and had a black mask. He has powers. Powers that can be recognised. They are not super powers, but he is very good with bows and arrows.