Today all the teachers and all the kids went to Assembly. Everyone went at 9.00 in the morning on the 12'Th of October. We went to assembly because it was the first day of term 4. Pt England went to the school hall and sat down to wait for Mr.Burt. When I got outside the hall, I could smell sausages and chicken but when I got inside Sam and Cruz were cooking a B.B.Q, yummy. There wasn't enough for every one so who ever sits up gets one. I didn't get one because I wasn't sitting up . Each team had a show. The team 1 teachers were the rock cafe. The team 2 teachers were Japanese, team 3 teachers were Mexicans and Mrs Nua was Santa Claus, Ms Tito was an Indian lady celebrating Diwali, Ms Squires was a Japanese lady, Miss King was a Muslim and Mr Palmer was the Maitre' d. After all the teachers finished, we had a song from Mr Jacobsen and we walked out of assembly.
Red 5 Spelling Words
9 months ago
Hey Vanila
ReplyDeleteI liked your story of your
immersion assemmbly and
you had some funny bits
in it.