On Monday, the first day of term 4, Pt England school had an Immersion Assembly at 9.00 o'clock. Before we walked into the hall we smelt a Barbecue. When we walked in to the hall we sat down in front of Room15 and Athena got a Chicken wing straight away because she sat up. Then I knew exactly what was going on, we were having a celebration for our topic food glorious food, because Mr Burt was cooking sausages with the BBQ boys which were Sam and Cruz. I thought the funniest teacher was Mr Palmer.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Immersion Assembly
On Monday, the first day of term 4, Pt England school had an Immersion Assembly at 9.00 o'clock. Before we walked into the hall we smelt a Barbecue. When we walked in to the hall we sat down in front of Room15 and Athena got a Chicken wing straight away because she sat up. Then I knew exactly what was going on, we were having a celebration for our topic food glorious food, because Mr Burt was cooking sausages with the BBQ boys which were Sam and Cruz. I thought the funniest teacher was Mr Palmer.
Immersion Assembly
On Monday the 12th of October 2009 we had an immersion assembly. We had a immersion assembly because it was the first day of term 4. Our topic was about food glorious food. When we walked in we saw Mr Burt cooking with his BBQ boys. It smelt 'yummy.' The stickers were sausages. If you were extra good you would get a chicken wing. Team 1 was dressed up as the rock cafe. Team 2 was dressed up as Chinese and Japanese ladies, miss She was dressed up as a Chinese lady and Miss Glaze was dressed up as a Japanese chef. Team 3 were dressed up as Mexicans. Miss Garden was giving out corn chips and guacamole to good people. When it was there turn to go up on to the stage, miss Walters brought a pinata and two sticks. miss Walters and miss Mackinlay were hitting the pinata. They both had blind folds on. Once they put the blind folds on they started hitting the pinata. While there were hitting the pinata miss Garden was talking about what happens in Mexico when it is somebodies birthday. Miss Garden said while the parents are inside eating nachos and guacamole the children are out playing with the pinata. Team 4 was dressed up as different kinds of people. Miss King was dressed up as a Muslim lady. She had a long black scarf around her neck and head. Miss Squires was dressed up as a Japanese lady. She was holding a cup of tea and a umbrella. Mr Palmer was dressed up as aMaitre D. He whacks the people who work for him that doesn't do it properly. He whacks them with a tray. Miss Nua was Nua Claus. She was throwing out lollies to Pt England kids. Miss Tito was a Indian lady who was celebrating Diwali. Mr Jacobson was dressed up as a wine waiter. He asked one of the juniors if they wanted to be served, he said no. At the end of assembly they put on the songs to lead our classes out.
In the holidays i was playing by myself outside my house,then my cousin and my uncle came over. Their names were Sean and his dad Andrew. I went inside to say to my mum that Sean and Andrew were here. My mum went to talk to them. Sean went inside to see uncle Pati and said can you download some music on to my mp4 player and he did. Then my cousins came over, their name are Chris, Jerome and Danny. Their mum dropped them off, her name is Api. Sean and Andrew left and my cousins put their bags in the room and we had dinner. We all went to sleep at 9:15 and we got up in the morning at 8:30 and got ready to go to GI. My cousins went to the internet cafe, $1 for half an hour $2 for an hour. I went for an hour my cousins went for half an hour. Then we went home and put everything away. We went to GI everyday, my cousins went home. On the first day of school, I stayed and slept over at my cousins house, then I went home and went to sleep for school.
Immersion Assembly
Today all the teachers and all the kids went to Assembly. Everyone went at 9.00 in the morning on the 12'Th of October. We went to assembly because it was the first day of term 4. Pt England went to the school hall and sat down to wait for Mr.Burt. When I got outside the hall, I could smell sausages and chicken but when I got inside Sam and Cruz were cooking a B.B.Q, yummy. There wasn't enough for every one so who ever sits up gets one. I didn't get one because I wasn't sitting up . Each team had a show. The team 1 teachers were the rock cafe. The team 2 teachers were Japanese, team 3 teachers were Mexicans and Mrs Nua was Santa Claus, Ms Tito was an Indian lady celebrating Diwali, Ms Squires was a Japanese lady, Miss King was a Muslim and Mr Palmer was the Maitre' d. After all the teachers finished, we had a song from Mr Jacobsen and we walked out of assembly.
Immersion Assembly
On the first day of term 4 .9.00 o'clock. We had assembly in the school hall. All the teachers were there and the Pt England kids. We had assembly to welcome everyone back to school and start with term 4. Who ever was sitting up they would get a sausage but if you were the bomb you would get a piece of chicken or corn chips. There were teachers dressed up and they were
After our Assembly we went back to our class to write about it.
Immersion Assmbly
On Monday the 12th of October 2009 on the first day of school we were leaning about food glorious food. All the classes had to go to the hall at 9.00. When we got to the hall the BBQ boys were cooking sausages and chicken. Miss Garden was giving out corn chips and guacamole. If you are thinking what is guacamole it is a Mexican dip. Team one was the waiters for the rock cafe. Team two were two different things. Mrs Glaze was a chef and Mrs She was a Chinese lady. Team three were Mexican and they were really funny. Team 4 were different things. Miss Squires was a Japanese lady, Mr Palmer was a Maitr'e D, Mrs T was Indian, Mrs Nua was Nua Claus and Miss King was a Muslim lady. Mr Burt said that there is going to be an Intermediate and he said only the people that came to Pt England can come to the Intermediate.
Immersion Assembly
On Monday the 12Th October we started our first day of term 4. Our class lined up in to 2 lines and we walked to the school hall for the assembly. In the hall the teacher's were dressed up in costumes and some people were giving out treats. Some of the teacher's were giving out food too. The food was chicken, sausages, corn chips, Chinese noodles and guacamole(dip). Sam and Cruz were cooking the food on a barbecue and they were called the barbecue boys. Some teachers had party poppers and party blowers . Team 1 was the rock cafe,Team 2 was a chef and a Chinese lady. Team 3 was the Mexicans and last, Team 4 was a Maitre D, Muslim , Diwali , Nua Claus and a Japanese lady. The Mexicans were trying to open a pinata. Some lollies came out of the pinata. The rock cafe was giving out some food. Then Mr Burt said that there was going to be an intermediate at this school but only the people that go to Pt. England school are allowed to go to the intermediate. Then Mr Burt told us to say food glorious food for our theme. Then he said to the teachers pick people to eat some more food. When they were picked Mr Jacobsen put on music and all the classes went out apart from the year 6's.